Tenacious kindness, sometimes only as thin as a spider web thread amid the tangles of what is worst in us, weaves together the fabric of what is best about us.
Me, 2020+/-
By Jean O'Sullivan - Observe Your World - Say Something! If you don't pay attention, you can easily be fooled. There's a sucker born every minute, don't let it be you. The invisible landscape of the soul shapes the visible landscape of the world. Make your contribution in concert with a clear conscience and a compassionate heart.
Tenacious kindness, sometimes only as thin as a spider web thread amid the tangles of what is worst in us, weaves together the fabric of what is best about us.
Me, 2020+/-
I'm stewing
Not savoring
Not flavoring
Not favoring this mixture of feelings
that bubble up
and bubble under.
I could turn off the flame that feeds the simmer,
but then I wouldn't get the full bodied experience
of a rich hearty stew!
But I am not food for thought,
and I am not a pot.
Breathing in, I know I am breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I am breathing out.
I am not carrots, potatoes, peas, tomatoes cooked down to sauce,
I am not a stew.
I am not all the lives I might have lived, either.
I am me, and you are you.
Let the stew thicken by evaporation for a while,
then recover. Lower the flame.
As the hours go by,
Let all the thoughts and concerns take their turns in the changing heatscape.
Eventually, remove the lid and set it aside.
Capture the nuances of scents and flavors as they rise.
Breathing in, I know I am breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I am breathing out.
A preparer's prayer for presence.